Monday, April 26, 2010

Focused free writing

I think we should each write a page to a book. we should use google documents or another similar site to do this. i think this will help us write something as well as learn more about the technology avaliable to help us with similar things. i think another good option would be a picture book with a few words or a comic book. both of these would make us write but also use more creativity at the same time. also it would help us to gain better understanding of the cabibilities of writing with technology. i think it would be kind of cool to publish the book, for free of couse, because it would just be cool. it would also give us a little experence with the publish process and what it is becoming. it would also be cool if we got a little money because of it. so i think we should writing something small and publish it.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Focused Free Writing

I think that some of this video is true however a lot of it is not. Part of the reason why I don't believe a lot of this video is because some of the things stated didnt happen by when they said they would. However the ability to read anything on plastic paper is kind of true since the electronic book readers, however they are less conveniant than the plastic paper. I believe that free wifi in big cities will happen or it will be wifi through the cellphone companies but it will be much faster and less expensive. I believe the virtual reality to some extent but not nearly as much as the video said. We are getting closer to the virtual reality with 3d tv. however i think full virtual reality would cause many problems since people would not be sure what is real and what is not.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Email etiquette notes

-Have a meaningful subject line
-Compose emails in microsoft word than copy paste into email
-Be friendly but be careful about joking and sarcasm
-Respond to someone quickly
-If someone asks questions it is ok to answer them in their email
-When Email is responded to many times it's ok to cut out older responses
-Make sure you double check to see if you are forwarding or responding

Focused Free Writing

I watched a video about soical networking. It showed how many people use social networking sites and how they are not a fad but a new way of communicating. The video had many facts about how big the social networking sites are becoming. Also it showed how every big new invention is taking less and less time for 50 million people to use. It showed that tv took 12 year internet explorer 4 years and ipod 3 years. This shows that now with mass production and better distribution with the global market have allowed many more people to get new technology faster and faster. It also had facts that a large persentage i think 35% of Amazon book sales are for the electronic book reader instead of actual books. This shows how people are moving toward new technologies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Free Writing Activity

Today in chemistry we did a lot of expiriments. they were all pretty much the same some were at a warmer temperature but some were at a cooler temperature the cahnge in temperature effected how fast the reaction happened them we did the same tedious experiment only this time we added a catilist this speed up the reaction it was not very interesting or fun. me and logan were slow so we both ended up being late to second hour. it was not a big deal though because attendence was still being taken. i than sat down at my computer and went on my gmail account there i saw that i had no new emails since i just created it yesterday. than i made a blog which i am now typing on. the rest of the day will probably not get anymore interesting.